How to Change Baud Rate for WiFly Module with Comm Operator

1. Connect WiFly module with your computer.

Connet WiFly Module to Computer

2. Download, install and run Comm Operator.

3. Open USB Serial Port connecting with the WiFly module , select Baud Rate (the default is 9600).

Comm Operator - Serial Port

4. Set data format to Text and Carriage Return to 0A 0D.

Comm Operator - Options

5. Send “$$$” to  enter command mode.

Comm Operator - Chang WiFly Module Baud Rate

6. Send “get uart<CR>” to display the setting for the WiFly module.

Comm Operator - Chang WiFly Module Baud Rate

7. Send “set uart baudrate 115200<CR>” to change baud rate as 115200.

Comm Operator - Chang WiFly Module Baud Rate

8. Send “get uart<CR>” to display setting of the WiFly module again to make sure the baud rate is changed.

Comm Operator - Chang WiFly Module Baud Rate

9. Send “save<CR>” to save the current setting.

Comm Operator - Chang WiFly Module Baud Rate

10. Send “reboot<CR>” the reboot the WiFly module.

Comm Operator - Chang WiFly Module Baud Rate

Since the baud rate of the WiFly module has been changed,  you have to change the baud rate in Comm Operator to make sure the connection between the WiFly module and your computer is available.

Comm Operator - Baud Rate

Comm Operator - Chang WiFly Module Baud Rate

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