802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility

802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility is dedicated tool for pair two 802.15.4 modules. It support both AT mode and API mode. It’s a free software for pair 802.15.4 ZigBee modules.

Download 802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility (Free Software)

How to use 802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility

1.  Plug two 802.15.4 modules in ZigBee to serial port adapters. Connect the adapters to computer and power them if needed.

ZigBee Module 1 on NCD's ZIGMO ZigBee to Serial Port adapter  ZigBee Module 2 on Digi's ZigBee to Serial Port adapter

2. Run 802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility software.

3. Open the port for first ZigBee module. Select baud rate. The default baud rate of ZigBee module are 9600. However, you need select the correct baud rate if you changed it. Click “Read“button. If the module setting (port number and baud rate are correct), it should show module’s properties. Same steps as above for the second ZigBee module.

802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility

4.  Pair the modules.

Copy To Device 2” button : Use the first module (Device 1) as master module, press this button to copy the Baud Rate and PanID of the first module to the second module (Device 2). The address of Device 1 will be set to the destination address of Device 2 at the same time.

Copy To Device 1” button: Use the second module (Device 2) as master module, press this button to copy the Baud Rate and PanID of the second module to the first module (Device 1) . The address of Device 2 will be set to the destination address of Device 1 at the same time.

After clicking  “Copy To Device 2” button, you will see the change of Baud Rate, destination address and PanID on Device 2. Then, click “Write” button for Device 2 to keep the current parameters in memory.

Pair 802.15.4 ZigBee Modules

After clicking “Copy To Device 1” button, you will see the destination address of Device 1 is changed.

Pair ZigBee Module

Why use 802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility

In most of the applications that use 802.15.4 modules, the module connected to computer will use 802.15.4 API firmware so that it can communicate with multiple devices by API protocol. Each data package contains the destination address, the computer can send data to multiple modules in a fast way. Another advantage of API is that when it receives a package, it contains the source address, so that the application can know where this data comes from.

In AT command mode, the 802.15.4  ZigBee module has to enter command mode and switch destination address with AT command. Switch to AT command mode and change setting need 3 – 5 seconds most of time. It will slow down the application a lot if destination address need to be changed frequently. AT mode has its own advantage as it is a transparent transfer. That means you can change your old RS232 based communication directly with a ZigBee module using AT mode. So it is very simple to replace RS232 interface with ZigBee module or just connect to a ZigBee to serial port adapter.

When deploy the application, you can use 802.15.4 ZigBee Modules Pair Utility to pair the modules. Use the module connected to your computer as “master” module and plug the other modules goes to devices to another ZigBee module adapter. Just press the button to copy the master module’s setting to other modules. It is so easy!

You can use Digi’s X-CTU do the same job, you have to type the destination address and open two X-CTU instances. With our FREE 802.15.4 ZigBee Module Pair Utility, it is just one click!

For more application to develop or configure 802.15.4 XBee ZigBee modules,

Download to try our professional ZigBee Operator software.